Tag Archives: reality

How a Conscious Creator UnKnowingly Creates Someone Else’s Failures

change  As a conscious creator, how influential can you be?  Can you make someone else be successful?  Conversely, can you make someone fail? (Click that link to Tweet it)

Well…No.  And yes.

You and Your Friend Are, At Your Essence, the Same, But Your Physical Bodies are Unique

Each person is her own, unique time-space event.  Her distinct body serves as a vessel for her consciousness, just as yours’ does for you.  She decides what her beliefs are about herself and what her state of being is.

She creates her own reality, her own universe, just as you do for yourself.

But its also true that there is no such thing as a “detached observer”.  You know…the concept of the scientist watching test subjects while hidden behind a one-way mirror, objectively recording the data she sees?  Doesn’t exist.

Quantum physics tells us, after all, that an observer is just as much a part of the outcomes as the things she is observing. (Click that link to Tweet it) Simply by observing, she, literally, becomes part of the outcome.

Or, to state if more accurately, her expectations become part of the outcome.

“Painting” Someone Doesn’t Work, It Just Makes Them Angry

And when it comes to other people, while we can’t necessarily change them like painting a room a new color, we can change our perceptions and experiences of them.  We can see a different person in our own individual universe (which is a quantum physics concept).

So be careful of the stories you tell about others – especially the important people in your life.  Those stories create your beliefs about them.  Those beliefs create your expectations of them.  And those expectations command the quantum field what to manifest for you to experience.

And, in addition to creating your own personal experiences of another person, your beliefs about her can also affect her beliefs about herself (if she lets them).

You are powerful indeed.  Wield that power wisely!

And stay tuned to this blog for more techniques to use new paradigms from quantum physics to more greatly align your life with your desires…

Kimberly Ferrari is Worth Checking Out For Weight Loss Assistance

   Image  I met Kimberly Ferrari last August and we both agreed on the others’ value.  We just couldn’t decide on who was the better judge of character.  😉

Kim was excited enough to interview me about weight loss and quantum physics – a topic I always enjoy discussing!

Please check out our discussion here at her website

And, if you’re looking for a new wrinkle to your weight loss efforts, you won’t find a more open and nurturing person than Kim.  The rest of her website is worth your checking out too (not just our conversation).

Stay tuned to this blog for more about how to create your own reality using new paradigms from quantum physics.

Is Pleasantville the Best Film Illustration of Deliberate Creation?

  Is Pleasantville, a 1998 film, one of the greatest movies illustrating our power to create our own reality? (Click that link to Tweet it)  I’ll make the case here.  But a word of warning: if you haven’t yet watched Pleasantville, this post is full of spoilers.

In Pleasantville Toby Maguire plays David, an intelligent adolescent introvert who is devoted to an old television comedy called Pleasantville, portraying a wholesome and idyllic 1950’s life of yesteryear ala Leave it to Beaver.  Reese Witherspoon portrays David’s sister, Jennifer, who is an extroverted and rather shallow teenager, consumed with boys, sex, and social popularity.

David and Jennifer Are Given an Unprecedented Opportunity to Change Their Reality

A mysterious television repairman (played by Don Knotts in a funny ode to the similarly wholesome Andy Griffith show) gives David a bizarre television remote that transports David and Jennifer into the old, black and white Pleasantville television show.  The characters of Pleasantville, however, don’t know they are in a television show and David and Jennifer realize they must pretend to be Bud and Mary, the television children of Pleasantville’s lead family who they have now replaced.

The plot is propelled forward by David and Jennifer’s grossly differing views regarding how to proceed.  David is enthralled to be Bud and insists that the two must stay in character and not disrupt the lives of the people of Pleasantville.  Jennifer, on the other hand, believes that the people of Pleasantville are staid and square and proceeds to educate the town’s teenagers about the pleasures of sex (which is an unknown concept to anyone in Pleasantville, even the adults).

Each time a Pleasantville teenager has sex, he or she changes to full color (while the rest of the town remains black and white).   Eventually, anyone who experiences a burst of emotion or passion becomes colorized and the town is thrown into full turmoil amid the uproar of these new “colored” people and the frightening fun and zest for life they are displaying.

Citizens of Pleasantville: Your Neural Pathways of Habitual Thought Are Not Carved in Stone

What moves Pleasantville to the upper echelon of films with messages about creating our own reality is the consistent message of how powerful our beliefs are (and how completely our reality changes when we  intentionally reform them).  Both David and Jennifer have very divergent beliefs about life and the film does a good job of showing that neither set of beliefs is the “correct” one, as they both prove valuable in the long run.

We know that our reality is derived from our expectations, which stem from our beliefs.  And our beliefs are nothing more than our neural pathways of habitual thought.  While our beliefs almost always feel correct and true for us, they are not universally, nor independently, correct and true.  They are true for us alone. (Click that link to Tweet it)

Because our beliefs are merely habitual thought, we are able to change them when we are either inspired or willing to do so.  (Click that link to Tweet it) Whether that inspiration or willingness is born of a desire to escape our current pain or a desire to finally achieve a long held goal, all we need do is adhere to a process of telling ourselves new, better stories about our desires to enter into the process of creating new neural pathways of thought.  And once in that process, we will begin to see a new universe created from the quantum field.

Both David and Jennifer Illustrate The Unlimited Creative Possibilities Each Moment Holds for Us to Create Anew

During their adventures in Pleasantville, David comes to value being open to life and the passion of emotional expression.  Alternatively, Jennifer comes to value introspection and intellectual curiosity.   Both of these characters see a different universe by telling themselves new stories about these new values which they had previous eschewed.  The beautiful and touching awakening they experience is mirrored by the citizens of Pleasantville, who also awaken to a wonderful new reality.

The process of awakening, of Pleasantville becoming “colored”, is an inspiring metaphor for all former sleepwalkers who now know that they have the God-given, inherent power to create their own reality.  Like David, Jennifer, and, eventually, the entire town of Pleasantville, you are also striving today to color your life by having experiences more closely aligned with your greatest desires.

Pleasantville Can Inspire Your Awakening Which Is, After All, a Daily Decision

At the end of the film, David has learned to feel and accept his passions and emotions and heads back to the real world ready to fully embrace the wonders of life.  Jennifer, on the other hand, has learned to be more introspective and appreciative of intelligence and subtlety, choosing to remain in Pleasantville for a while longer to finish her personal growth.

Pleasantville reminds us that we never need sleepwalk through life, accepting the collective reality of conventional wisdom.  Our life experiences are ours to create.   Like the citizens of Pleasantville, we understand that this awareness is often frightening and unsettling at first, but eventually provides us with the immense freedom and power we were born to wield.

And stay tuned to this blog for more techniques and tips to use new paradigms from quantum physics to create a life more aligned with your dreams…

Is Vanilla Sky the Best Movie About Deliberately Creating Your Own Reality?

  Is Vanilla Sky the best film illustrating the power you have to create your own reality?  Here’s a case for that claim.  A word of warning though: if you haven’t yet watched Vanilla Sky, this blog post is full of spoilers.

Vanilla Sky is a 2001 film starring Tom Cruise as an ultra-wealthy playboy named David Aames.  Aames is the head of a large publishing firm in New York City and the film chronicles, through a series of bizarre twists and unexplainable events, the unsettling destruction of his life of wealth and privilege.  Aames is disfigured in a gruesome automobile accident, has his publishing company taken from his control, loses the love of his life, and eventually commits a murder.

David Aames Heads a Multi-Million Dollar Publishing Company, But He Discovers His True Calling is “Architecture”

What puts Vanilla Sky near the top of movies about deliberate creation, however, is the appearance of a mysterious stranger (played by Noah Taylor) two-thirds into the film.  In the midst of Aames’ descent into complete ruin, this man tries to help Aames by talking to him in a bar one night, attempting to reveal the truth of deliberate creation – but only succeeds in frightening him.  Eventually, however, when he finally hits rock bottom near the end of Vanilla Sky (fueled by his state of complete and utter desperation), Aames consents to listen to this stranger.

The mysterious stranger explains that Aames is actually in the middle of a lucid dream and he has, in fact, had complete control over his life all along.  Aames discovers that he had actually chosen to be put into a cryonic sleep 150 years ago, until a cure could be discovered to keep him from dying from a drug overdose.  In his cryonic sleep, Aames has been the sole architect of his entire “dream” life – not only his experiences of incredible wealth, but also his horrific downfall.

Like Aames, All of Us Who Are Awake to Our Power of Creation Became So By Finally Listening to Our “Mysterious Stranger”

The stranger’s revelations to Aames are a picture perfect portrayal of what it was like for many of us when we finally became willing to learn and accept that we create our own reality.  The mysterious stranger who becomes Aames’ guide is an apt metaphor for any number of teachers who help awaken people from their sleepwalking life and realize their ultimate creative power and dominion over their personal experiences.

Whether Esther Hicks, Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Doreen Banaszak, Marleen Keys, or Matthew O’Grady (some people who helped me awaken and continue to help me stay awake), like Aames, we usually only become open to such teachers when we have hit a “bottom”.  When there was nothing left to lose, except the pain of living our lives the way we always had.  And as you have undoubtedly done, once awakened, Aames embraces the freedom his new awareness about deliberate creation gives him to create better experiences from that point forward.

Perhaps, like Aames, you once ran away from the truth – clinging to your painful, yet familiar, paradigms and beliefs.  But when the pain of doing things the same old way outweighed your fear of doing things a new way, you opened your mind, listened, learned, and took flight.

Vanilla Sky Can Fill a Deliberate Creator with Immense Gratitude

It is interesting to watch Vanilla Sky a second time and empathize with Aames’ complete dismay as his life crumbles around him, and his feelings of being victimized, because it can remind us of what our life was like before we became awakened and began to create our reality intentionally.  I’ve watched the film numerous times and it not only motivates me to remain awakened, but even fills me with gratitude for the painful experiences I endured that finally made me willing to learn the secrets of deliberate creation I now practice and teach.

Being grateful for the pain I suffered, because it made me willing to change, is an amazingly positive perspective which further reinforces my positive neural pathways of habitual thought.

On an uplifting note, Vanilla Sky ends with Aames embracing freedom and choosing life in all its uncertainly and unpredictability rather than remaining a sleeper.  Although Vanilla Sky doesn’t portray the rest of his life, I like to think that the remainder of Aames days are spent like yours – as a deliberate creator of his life experiences who lives a life much more closely aligned with his desires.

Please let me know what you think.

Listen For Free This Sunday as Greg Discusses Reality and Your Power to Create It

Image  This Sunday, October 7th at 3 PM EST, authors Greg Kuhn will appear on the well-known radio Program, Litopia After Dark.

Kuhn will discuss the very nature of reality and how it is created.  Tune in to learn more about your power to deliberately create your life experiences so that they are more closely aligned with your desires.

About Litopia After Dark:

“This is the show that started it all!

Four years ago, we thought it would be fun to assemble an eclectic crowd of writers from all over the world to create a virtual literary salon.

Today, Litopia After Dark provides essential creative sustenance for tens of thousands of listeners across the globe.

No topic is off limits.

We can leap from the bookish to the bawdy in a single bound.  We frequently raise issues months before “old media” discovers them.   And our aim is to keep you informed, in the know… and in stitches.

And most of the time, our listeners say we succeed!”

You’ve Been “Channeling” All the Time and Didn’t Even Realize It

  Some of my first forays into learning to create my own reality was through reading “channeled” books by Esther Hicks.  I almost didn’t read Ask and It is Given, though, because Esther Hicks wrote that she was channeling a non-physical entity called Abraham.  Channeling sounded too “out there” for me and, to be honest, the only reason I read it was because Wayne Dyer wrote the forward and I admire Dr. Dyer very much.

I love Ask and It is Given and I’m glad I read it.  Of course, my own writing about creating a reality to better match your desires is inspired by quantum physics, but the Hicks and others who channel (like the Seth books, for example) are, in my experience, teaching accurate things.  At least from what I’ve read thus far.

I Don’t Call it Abraham, But I Access What I Believe to Be the Same Source of Inspiration

Since that time I have come to my own understanding of channeling and I’m here to tell you that I think the concept is something we can address and explain scientifically.  In fact, I believe we all channel every day; channeling is actually not some paranormal or mystical idea.

In my soon-to-be released new book, I specifically teach about fully engaging something psychologists have been writing about since the late 1960’s which I believe explains channeling.  It is called the precognitive moment and the precognitive moment is a measurable fraction of a second between the time we place our awareness on the quantum field of unformed sub-atomic particles and the time our neural patterns of habitual thought kick in and command the quantum field to form our material reality from the quantum field.

It is during this precognitive moment that we have true access to amazing freedom, abundant creativity, and unlimited possibilities because during this fraction of a second we actually have access to the quantum field of unformed particles (and those characteristics I just listed are all qualities of the quantum field).

Stephen King is a Channeler?

I now understand that the precognitive moment is where any creative process is found and it’s the source of all of our creative “juice”.  Artists, writers, thinkers, dreamers, etc. are all tapped into this resource, whether consciously or not.  And I firmly believe that a more practiced access to the quantum field is what is happening for people who “channel”.

In fact, when I am “in the zone” while writing, I often feel that my words are coming to me from a source other than my normal neural patterns of habitual thought – from the precognitive moment.  I get the sensation that my hands have become a conduit for the energy of unlimited potential of the quantum field.  Am I channeling?  I don’t call it that, but I believe I (like anyone else) am experiencing the same phenomenon that channelers are describing.

You Can Learn to Lose Yourself and Find Your Greatest Source of Creativity

And I know you experience this phenomenon too.  Any time you lose yourself in something you are doing, you, too, are fully engaged in the precognitive moment and are also doing what someone might call channeling.  You just probably don’t label it as such.

The best news is that access to the precognitive moment is something that you can strengthen with practice.  I teach you how to do that in Why Quantum Physicists Don’t Get Fat and, also, in my new, soon-to-be-released book.

And stay tuned to this blog for more information about how to use quantum physics to deliberately create a better material reality for yourself…

How Mirrors Lie to You Every Day and Why You Should Stop Looking in Them if You Want to Lose Unwanted Weight

  What do you see when you look in the mirror?

Do you see a beautiful woman (or man) with a beautiful body which has the proportions you desire?

Or do you see a “fat” person, with a “fat” body which is ugly?

What Good is a Mirror, Really?  If You Have Unwanted Weight, That Is

If you have unwanted weight, I’ll bet that most of the time it’s the later.  I know; I’ve been there too.

So my knowledge of quantum physics leads me to ask you this very important question:  “Why do you look in the mirror?”

Wait a Minute?  Doesn’t a Mirror Just Reflect “The Way Things Really Are”?

If you are reading my blog, you already know that there is no such thing as subjective reality.  There is no such thing as “the way things are.”  You create the way things are with your observations (and, more importantly, your expectations – which are derived from your beliefs).  Your beliefs create expectations, which you then use to command the sub-atomic particles of the universe to form a “fat” and “ugly” body when you look in the mirror!

Does that sound unreal?  Crazy?  I’ll grant you that.  But, crazy as it sounds, what I just wrote is actually how our universe works!  It is not science-fiction, nor is it some philosophy that may or may not apply to you.

You are creating your universe (and your body) each moment of every single day.  In the manner I just described.  You couldn’t stop doing it if you tried!

So, if looking in the mirror continually produces a “fat” and/or “ugly” body – stop doing it!  Seriously.  Just stop.

What Does a Doctor Tell You About Doing Something That Hurts?  Until It’s “Fixed” – Stop Doing It!

In fact, if you feel bad about your unwanted weight, don’t ever look in the mirror again unless you truly are feeling good about your body (and yourself) in that moment.

And if you accidentally fall back into old habits, and catch yourself looking in the mirror and seeing a “fat” and “ugly” person, stop what you’re doing and look away.  Then remind yourself that your outer world (the reality you’re seeing) is merely a reflection of your inner world (the way you’re feeling).

And give yourself a break, realizing that you must have been thinking some old thought patterns (as we all do from time to time) before you looked in the mirror.  You were only seeing, after all, what you were feeling.

Until your new reality is “I am thin” do not use a mirror to “confirm” how you look – because you won’t see “thin”.  There is no way around this, so just don’t do it.

And make sure you are reading (or re-reading) Why Quantum Physicists Don’t Get Fat to build your new, “I am thin” beliefs.  Before long you will be able to look in that mirror and love what you see!  I guarantee it.

Why Your Scale Can Be a Worse Enemy to Your Body Than a Super-Sized Trip to McDonald’s

  Throw away your scale?  Why would anyone who wants to lose unwanted weight do such a thing?  Sounds crazy, right?

Maybe not.

My Enemy – My Scale

When I began my journey to lose my unwanted weight, using quantum physics, in 1996 my scale was my enemy.  Perhaps you can relate.  I hated my scale – because every time I got on it, it told me something that didn’t feel good!

In fact, my whole “fat” life, my scale almost always told me what I didn’t want to see.  Even when I was dieting.  Even when I was working out.  Oh sure, there were times where I lost some weight and I was happy.  But, always, given enough time, that scale would once again show me numbers that confirmed that I weighed more than I wanted!

I know what you’re thinking: “Greg, that scale didn’t make you overweight.  That’s not even logical.  The scale was only reflecting the reality that you were overweight; the scale was only the tool that told you how things really were.”

Why Your Scale May Not Be the Friend and Ally You Think It Is

And I’ll counter with these answers.

First of all, we now know know that our universe is not logical in how it functions.  So, when it comes to losing unwanted weight, quantum physics says you can all but throw logic out the window.  After all, what has counting on logic gotten you thus far (except more unwanted weight)!

Second, we now know that there is no such thing as objective reality.  Reality is subjective; quantum physics teaches us that each observer sees her own universe.  Reality does not await our discovery in a pre-determined state.  We create our reality by putting our observations (and, more importantly, our expectations) on the quantum field of sub-atomic particles.

Third, we now know that our outer world, what we see, is nothing more than a reflection of our inner world, how we feel.  Quantum physics teaches us that how we feel always trumps what we do; even the “best” weight-loss actions will not counter how we feel about those actions (and ourselves).

Everything you just read, by the way, is pure, scientific fact.  Not pie-in-the-sky, gee-wouldn’t-it-be-nice-if-it-were-true philosophy.

So, given those scientific facts, think about what a scale might really represent for you.  If you feel overweight, if you believe you’re overweight, if you know you’re overweight, if “overweight” is your state of being, I can guarantee you that all a scale will ever do is confirm those things for you.

Your Scale, Literally, Reflects What You Expect It to Reflect

And, of course, once a scale confirms those things for you, your habitual thoughts and beliefs of “I am overweight” are only solidified.  Which has the unfortunate side effect of making those habitual patterns of thought and belief all the more real for you.  They become an even greater part of your individual universe – your individual reality.

What’s the antidote?  Throw your scale away if you have similar feelings about it to what I did.  Banish your scale as part of your weight-loss routine.  Instead, rely on how you feel and change the stories you’re telling yourself about your eating, your exercise, and your body.  By telling the best possible, believable stories you can.

Set yourself free.  Give yourself a chance to believe and see a new reality.  Feel and see the difference it makes for your weight loss.

And stay tuned to this blog for more tips and techniques to use quantum physics to lose your unwanted weight…

Your Secret Super Power and How It Can Change Your Reality (and Help You Lose Unwanted Weight) Almost Instantly

  Ever play a fun game that I’ve played with friends, where you all get to choose one super power to have?

Super speed, super strength, x-ray vision, and indestructibility are always popular options.  I always choose having the ability to fly, ’cause I could always avoid traffic.

But what if you really could have a super power – in real life?  What if you could have the super power of consistently getting more of what you want out of life?  Not because of “luck”, but on purpose and intentionally?  Manifesting your desires, such as, but not limited to, losing your unwanted weight?

Guess what?  I can teach you to have this super power.  It’s simpler to acquire than you might imagine and you can begin using it immediately to lose your unwanted weight (and just about anything else you desire).

“Wonder-Twin Powers…Activate!”

To acquire this wonderful super power you only need to do one thing: make it your primary purpose, just for today, to be grateful as much as humanly possible.

Sound too simple?  Sound crazy?  I can understand your reaction, but my instructions for acquiring this amazing super power are actually rooted in the very real and reliable science of quantum physics.

Why You See What You See and Experience What You Experience in Life

Let me explain.

In our universe, reality is completely subjective.  You’ve read on my blog that quantum physicists tell us that each observer sees her own, unique universe (and that is meant to be taken literally, not figuratively).   You, literally, see your own unique version of the material world (which, of course, includes your physical body); the material world you see is wholly (and only) yours and is “reality” only for you.

And quantum physics tell us that we create our unique reality not just through our observations, but, more importantly, through our expectations.  And our expectations are created from our beliefs.

Your New Super Power is Already Inside You, Simply Waiting for You to Unleash it Today

Since you now know how your material reality (including your physical body) is created, isn’t it an easy, logical conclusion to see that if you improve, or “upgrade”, your beliefs you will automatically see a different, improved-version of your reality?  I hope so, because this is scientifically true.

Try it today.  Find reasons to be truly grateful for as many things as you can – even the things you usually take for granted, like breathing, your ability to drive a car, your sense of humor, your wonderful mind, etc.  And especially the things you commonly label “unwanted” experiences – by looking for the hidden gifts and opportunities inherent in them (hint…they are there if you’re willing to look for them and are open to see them).

And stay tuned to my book and this blog for ever continuing tips and techniques to finally lose your unwanted weight using the life-changing science of quantum physics…